Sunday, September 30, 2018, 01:46 PM - Poetry and Writing

Thursday, September 20, 2018, 08:12 PM - The Solidarity Economy & Microfinance
We are working on a Community Land trust in the North End of Halifax- North End Land Trust
Re-claimed land for living, working, playing in ways that grow connections and commons.
The North End Land Trust (NELT) is an organization of residents, societies and enterprises committed to a vibrant neighbourhood, local economy and food bio-system. Nothing is more central to who we are and to justice than land. The NELT will acquire land and property incrementally, and steward it for long-term public benefit under a community owned land trust model. Public benefits may include affordable housing, cooperative and co-housing, non-profit spaces, community gardens, local employment and learning. NELT will take land out of the market, hold it in commons and in perpetuity, and lease it to residents through long-term leases.
Paul Sander Jackson from Wessex Community Assets discusses how Community Land Trusts and other community led asset owning organisations are reclaiming commons across England. Click on the link below.
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Monday, September 3, 2018, 01:42 PM - Outdoor adventure

Took an eros retreat on the Bluff Wilderness Trail. First time I hiked the whole thing and camped. It was really lovely. Eros in the Marcusean sense where pleasure is political. Being in who and where we are so we can be in step with others. So things I love to do - be outdoors, meditate, reflect, play. Try to touch in to what I am really feeling and what it is that I want to do free of any pull or influence. So goal-driven hiking moments where I felt I needed to make tracks were tempered with --I just want to swim or look at these mushrooms. These retreats have been so powerful and healing in these last years.
Saturday, August 18, 2018, 07:00 PM - Outdoor adventure
Kayak camping with Oliver during the Perseids. We started in Blind Bay. First night Flemming Island near Dover Island. Loads of climbers there. We got visited by at least one Minke whale. So moving. Second night Burnt Island. Finished in Lower Prospect with Andrew who met us for a day paddle. I am in love with my new rig.

Thursday, August 16, 2018, 02:22 PM - Adult and Popular Education
A key element of transformative learning is experimenting with real-world problems. David Kolb’s experiential learning cycle continues to be pivotal. Yet cycles, even spirals, don’t capture the dynamism (and dangers) now available with online and blended learning. Informal means of learning such as podcasts and viral social media posts abound. On one hand, frames have never had more possibility to engage with such a diversity of experiences, bodies, identities, and communities. How to bring feminist and critical pedagogy to these spaces? This paper works to critically frustrate and extend the learning cycle with a hologram which helps to capture online multi-dimensionality as well as distortion.
Online there is both performance and projection. Holographic visualization offers multiple dimensions, movement, refraction, frustration, doubt. But online learners can be supported to move more consciously to meaning and their own deliberations while embedded in life, work, negotiations. This messiness and muddling is key to the transformative potential of online deliberations. The space also has potential to collapse gender and power dynamics in interesting ways as learners shape their own reflective paths at their own pace. These gendered power dynamics are not removed but can be fore-fronted in the learning. The lag between experimentation and insight can be used. Facilitators and peers can act more like coaches, real-time in real messiness.
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